Friday, January 11, 2008

Mamma Mia!

So, today at work we got on the subject of movies, Eddie Murphy, and Dreamgirls.  Both of my male co-workers said they hadn't seen the movie, and asked me if i liked it.  I said, "yes, I loved it.  I love musicals."  Then my coworker, Jeremy, said, "Mamma Mia is coming out as a movie!"  I immediately looked up the deats. on, and viewed the trailer.  It looks like it should be amazing.  The movie is staring Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, and Amamda Seyfried.  


Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie said...

i think she was pretty serious she said afterweords how glad she was to have run into you because she was stressing. she should call you soon i am sure. i love running into you its the greatest.

Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie said...

Haylee: I see you everywhere all of a sudden. It is the greatest! I love it. Sounds like you are doing good and still as cute as ever!

Heidi said...

New post, PLEASE.

Natalie said...

That would be really awesome! I've heard alot about Mamma Mia, but I haven't been able to see the show! I'm excited to see how you are doing -

Anonymous said...

Haylee - Ryan told me that you could possibly make some business cards and I will totally pay you! Is this true? Let me know! my blog is

Natalie Johnson
Heidi's friend

The Johnson 5 said...

Haylee!!!! Only a few more months until the trip of a lifetime! I'm SOOO excited!!